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Multidoc is a tool for purposed towards improving maintainability and consistency of docstrings in software that is available across multiple programming languages, with fixed language equivalent APIs.

`list` **Nomenclature** ^^^ - **Application Programming Interface (API)**: An interface that defines interactions between multiple software applications or mixed hardware-software intermediaries. - **YAML**: (recursive acronym for "YAML Ain't Markup Language") A human-readable data-serialization language. - **Jinja2**: Jinja is a modern and designer-friendly templating language for Python. It is fast, widely used and secure.



Use the same sections as outlined above (all except Returns are applicable). The constructor (__init__) should also be documented here, the Parameters section of the docstring details the constructor’s parameters.


1. summary
2. extended summary (optional)
3. see also (optional)
4. references (optional)
5. examples (optional)


1. summary
2. extended summary
3. routine listings
4. see also
5. notes
6. references
7. examples